(781) 335-1021
Winter Products
Sand/Stone Dust
Decorative Stone
Base Materials
Sea Walls
Crushed Stone
Sand is the loose granular material resulting from the disintegration of rocks. There are many uses for sand and we have the product that will take care of your needs.
Separator Sand


Very fine sand which is used in horseshoe pits and around underground utilities
White Sand

White Bunker Sand, a crushed Limestone, meets the specs for use in golf course bunkers.

Screened Sand
Medium grade sand best for volleyball courts, around underground utilities, soil amendment and winter ice control
Concrete Sand


Washed sand used under pavers, in volleyball courts, for making concrete, soil amendment and winter ice control
Mason Sand

fine washed sand best used for playground sandboxes, under pools and for making mortar
Coarse Sand
coarse washed sand used under pavers and in making concrete (not always available)

Stone Dusts
Coarse Stone Dust


Blue Stone Dust

Available in Blue, Lavender or our own Natural Gray. Coarse Stone Dust is used as a base or finish material for walkways, patios and driveways.

Riding Ring Mix
A blend of sands and stone dust to create a product that is not as loose as straight sand and not as hard compact as stone dust. (this item is a special blend and is made to order)
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